Fee: £50 for the pilot course 8 places available
Start date: 8 weeks from 17thOctober, Thursdays 4-5.30pm; Register by Monday 30thSeptember
Course held at Ambulant Therapy, 301 Plungington Rd, Preston
Contact Enquiry@Ambulantphysio.co.ukor telephone 01772717271 to register your interest by 30/9/19
Mindfulness is widely recognised as an approach to experience that can be taught and learned, and with practice can transform how you respond to stress, pain and unhappiness.
This programme will take you through the 8-week programme drawing on the model developed and supported through the UK Mindfulness Association and by Bangor and Oxford Centres for Mindfulness research.
Mindfulness is a learned skill: the paying of attention in-the-moment to what we are experiencing directly, without judgment, and with compassion
Bring two (2) cushions and a blanket or shawl to your first session